zoty中欧登录入口教师胡德状博士合作论文在国际权威期刊《China Economic Review》上发表


近期,zoty中欧登录入口教师胡德状博士合作论文《Gender norms and marriage satisfaction: Evidence from China》在国际经济学类一区期刊《China Economic Review》上发表。Doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chieco.2021.101627


This paper examines the association between the traditional gender division norm — “men are breadwinners, and women are homemakers” — and the marriage satisfaction of each gender using Chinese couple-level data. The results reveal that married couples tend to be less satisfied with their marriage if the wife earns more than the husband. Moreover, it seems that the drop in the husband's marriage satisfaction matters more for the drop in the couple's overall marriage satisfaction. By exploring the difference between husbands and wives in their attitudes in terms of economic contribution and housework contribution, we confirm that husbands may have a specific self-image regarding the traditional gender division norm, and can also respond to the wives' gender role preference. 




《China Economic Review》创办于1990年,总部位于英国伦敦,并在全球范围内发行,属于SSCI期刊经济学类Q1区。《China Economic Review》旨在以全球视野关注中国经济发展,观察最新经济热点,展望未来经济走向。


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